Monday 23 February 2009

Final Thoughts - Text & Video

Matt Parro's Comments: So the convention is over for another year, and it was a great one yet again this year! So a big thank you to everyone organising the convention.

Now let’s get onto what exactly I thought. Best lectures for me were Rudy and Garcia. Dealers were good again this year, although again how can loops range from £8-12?? I managed to haggle and get some packs for £6. This dollar conversion is doing us no favours either! Plus I think some dealers don’t bother to change their price from dollars! … Oh and another thing 1 item I wanted to buy, Mr Blaine bought them all! So thanks for that! When it comes to buying the latest magic items, it appears that people forget to take their manners with them.

Was good to catch up with old friends and make new ones, thank you for all the comments keep them coming. I hope you’ve enjoyed the blog and thank you to Stuart, Geoff, Max, Andy and Natalie for their contributions.
I’ll see you next year!

Stuart's Comments: Fab convention, see the video for the main highlights, but for me the Rudy Cody lecture, anything by Jeff & Eugene.

Geoff’s Comments: Well now spoilt for choice what to say & what to leave out. My outstanding Magician was Rick Merrill, closely followed by Etienne & Jeff McBride. The competitions were to a very high standard. I conquered with the judges on who were the winners. My only criticism is in the VIP lounge, unable to see the magician perform, a screen is required, other than that its plus plus plus. 9.75/10

Max's Comments: So overall the convention was my first time and I thought it was amazing seriously great. Seeing all the magic dealers and a load for Magician's which are very well known. I will give it 100%. I am hoping to come back next year and I recommend it so so much. See you all next year for the BLACKPOOL MAGIC CONVENTION 2010.


Matt Parro Final Thoughts Video:

Stuart Harley Final Thoughts Video:

Geoff Hunt Final Thoughts Video:

Max Curd Final Thoughts Video:


  1. Hi Matt, Hope you had a great time at Blackpool ? Many thanks for reporting on most things. Will hopefully see you on Thursday in Hassocks. Can I get some cards from you ? what was it £1.30 a pack ? Dave Croucher :o)

  2. what was the item you wanted to buy that blaine bought?
