Saturday 21 February 2009

Joshua Jay Lecture

Joshua started by performing charming chinese challenge, 6 card repeat to a story about travelling. Followed by an oil and water routine using jacks and aces. Then a coin under watch vanish finishing with a flipper coin and shell coins accross.

The lecture was as expected a very high quality, entertaining and informative. M9/10

As a non card guy I wasnt expected to enjoy it as much as I did. I also thought the routines would be difficult, but there were routines for all abilities, I even bought some stuff. A really good lecture. Stu 9/10


  1. Hello Guys. Enjoying your repeorts.Have you seen the funfair illusions? Can youtake photos and say hell to may mate Jon Marshall who is putting them on.

    Gordon Astley. x

  2. thta's Hello...hell is rude
